Prof. Marek Szarucki

Dr hab. Marek Szarucki, PhD is Associate Professor and head of the Department of Strategic Analysis at the Cracow University of Economics (Poland). In 2019 was a Visiting Researcher at the UCL School of Management (the Bekker scholarship, from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA). His scientific interests concentrate on the methodology of management sciences, strategic management, entrepreneurship in the Eastern and Central Europe, and innovations management. He is an author and co-author of peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters and a member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals: Journal of Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, Business: Theory and Practice, Journal of Business, Management and Education and Journal of Business Excellence. His international background includes studies, study trips, Summer Schools, international conferences and co-operation with universities in Lithuania, Croatia, Russia, Sweden, UK, USA and Taiwan. He is also a member of the European Academy of Management and the Academy of Management.